Las Vegas
Medical Malpractice Attorneys
If you believe you or a love one has been a victim medical malpractice, you have very limited amount of time to act and claim the compensation you deserve.
$29 Million
Premises Liability
$25 Million
Car Accident
$15 Million
$7.4 Million
Hospital Negligence
$6 Million
Slip and Fall
$5.2 Million
Tire Defect
$5 Million
Hospital Negligence
$4 Million
Casino Injury
$3 Million
Skateboard Accident
$4 Million
Hurt On The Job
$4 Million
Motorcycle Accident

Medical Malpractice Attorney
Las Vegas
As experienced Las Vegas medical malpractice attorneys, we know how devastating it could be when the medical professional you trusted makes a mistake that no professional should ever make. Medical professionals, health care providers, and even hospitals are capable of making mistakes that adversely affect your health. Despite extensive training and the vast innovations in health care, medical providers can be negligent in administering care. You are entitled to file medical malpractice lawsuits when you have suffered an injury or illness due to physician or medical personnel negligence.
Injuries sustained from medical malpractice can be debilitating. The injury itself may severely diminish your quality and enjoyment of life. It can also create further medical expenses, lost wages, and impact your ability to earn money throughout your lifetime.
You may have been a victim of medical malpractice if you received delayed treatment for your condition, if you were misdiagnosed, if you discharged from care to soon, your medical provider failed to refer you to a specialist, or they used faulty equipment in treating you.
Determining if you have been a victim of medical malpractice can be very difficult. Our experienced Las Vegas medical malpractice attorneys are committed to insuring you were treated with the level of professionalism we expect from our medical providers. We will investigate your claim of medical malpractice to get you the compensation you deserve.
If you believe you or a love one has been a victim medical malpractice, you have very limited amount of time to act and claim the compensation you deserve. Because of the lobbying of the insurance industry, the Nevada legislature limited the time to bring a Las Vegas medical malpractice lawsuit in 2004. Unlike other claims for personal injury lawsuits, Las Vegas medical malpractice lawsuits must be brought within one (1) year from the victim knew or should have known of the medical malpractice. Also, generally, each lawsuit for medical malpractice must be accompanied by an affidavit from an expert in the same field as the medical professional that committed negligence.
Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Las Vegas
Contact the personal injury attorneys at D.R. Patti & Associates and let our experienced team help you through this difficult time and to navigate the very strict laws and timelines involved in medical malpractice cases.
Client Focused. Aggressive Advocacy
Over $250,000,000 Recovered For Our Clients
$29 Million
Premises Liability
$25 Million
Car Accident
$15 Million
$7.4 Million
Hospital Negligance
Quality Service, Less Fees, Happier Clients