D.R. Patti & Associates

car accident attorney las vegas

Injured In A Hit & Run? What Can You Do And What Can We Do For You

A hit-and-run crash can leave injured victims with medical bills piling up and unable to earn income to pay those bills. Some people think they may have no options if they were injured in a hit and run car accident. That is not necessarily so. In our combined 50+ years of experience as car accident attorneys in Las Vegas, we have successfully recovered compensation for those who initially thought they had no options. We recently recovered six figures for one of our clients injured in a hit and run accident in Las Vegas.

Will Prior Accidents Affect My Car Accident Claim?

Prior car accidents or other types of accidents may affect your car accident claim. First, insurance companies may blame prior accidents for a victim’s injuries. The more recent those accidents are, the more likely the insurance company will use those prior accidents against the victim. Second, auto insurers may use those prior accidents to test a victim’s credibility.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash From Car Accidents Whiplash is a non-medical term that refers to a neck or upper back injury from violent or forceful rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. The whipping motion overstretches the joints, muscles and ligaments of the neck and back beyond their normal range of motion. The most common cause of whiplash injuries …

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The Right Way To Handle Injury Claims From Multiple Car Accidents

Unfortunately, people can be victims of multiple car accidents a short time apart. In our combined 50+ years of experience, we have seen people injured in multiple crashes in less than a year. There is a right way to handle personal injury claims from multiple car accidents. Learn more here on the proper way to handle such cases.

Punitive Damages In Las Vegas Personal Injury Cases

Many people have heard the term “punitive damages” and want to know how it applies to their personal injury or car accident claim in Las Vegas. “Punitive damages” is an amount that is awarded by a jury to punish a party in a civil lawsuit. This term is also sometimes called “exemplary damages,” as the award is intended to set an example. Punitive or exemplary damages is usually contrasted with compensatory damages, which are intended to make an accident victim whole again. Learn more on when punitive damages are awarded.

Trust Your Attorney: Confidentiality of Client Communications

Clients may feel scared about telling their attorneys about things that they may not be proud of. Or a client may feel that a small bit of information is unimportant to the attorney. However, successful representation of clients, even in car accident cases, may depend on the client’s attorney knowing that information. Like good attorneys, the experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorneys at D.R. Patti & Associates know how to encourage clients to disclose information, regardless of how embarrassing. We let our clients know that, except in exceptional circumstances, the law protects communications between clients and attorneys.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Insurance In Nevada

Don’t bet your life that other drivers will have car insurance to compensate you if you are injured in a car accident in Las Vegas. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) Insurance is what you need to protect yourself in the event you are injured in a car accident. Learn more about UM and UIM insurance from trusted Las Vegas car accident attorneys.

Black Boxes and Event Data Recorders in Vehicles

When most people hear the term “black boxes,” they think of the recording devices on planes that are used to recover data about a plane after a crash. Most modern cars now have event data recorders (EDRs), commonly known as black boxes. These electronic devices may contain information useful in car accident cases. Learn more about them from the experienced Las Vegas car accident attorneys at D.R. Patti & Associates.

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