Dealing With Financial Hardship During The Covid-19 Pandemic
While Las Vegas and nearly the entire nation deal with flattening the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic, Las Vegans in particular face a unique challenge. Downtown Las Vegas and the Strip has shut down. Thousands upon thousands of Las Vegans are laid off. The federal stimulus checks are at least a month away. The situation may look bleak, but there are ways we Las Vegans can weather this financial and health crisis. Ian Lyngklip of Lyngklip & Associates, Consumer Law Center, an attorney experienced with consumer credit and lending, offers some free advice in the following video on how to avoid being financially crushed.
We hope this video can provide some assistance amidst the financial difficulties brought on by this outbreak.
The financial difficulties may be even more difficult for the injured victims of car accidents. The Las Vegas personal injury attorneys of D.R. Patti & Associates seeks to understand what you or your loved ones may be going through. With over 25 years of experience, we have helped thousands of victims of car accidents, truck accidents, slip and falls, and other types of accidents weather through some tough times. Call us at 702-331-3391 and speak to one of our attorneys; let’s see how we can help.
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