Nevada Injury Lawsuits and Recovering Lost Earning Capacity
If you are injured after an accident, it’s not uncommon to miss work. If you have any injury that keeps you from working in Nevada, lost earning capacity is considered in your damages.
If you are injured after an accident, it’s not uncommon to miss work. If you have any injury that keeps you from working in Nevada, lost earning capacity is considered in your damages.
Generally, Nevada has no law that places a damage cap on the amount a person can recover in car repairs, medical bills, lost wages, and similar damages in most personal injury cases. Learn more about the few exceptions where certain damages are limited.
Many people have heard the term “punitive damages” and want to know how it applies to their personal injury or car accident claim in Las Vegas. “Punitive damages” is an amount that is awarded by a jury to punish a party in a civil lawsuit. This term is also sometimes called “exemplary damages,” as the award is intended to set an example. Punitive or exemplary damages is usually contrasted with compensatory damages, which are intended to make an accident victim whole again. Learn more on when punitive damages are awarded.
Many clients are nervous, if not downright scared, of being in a deposition. Most people are never involved in a deposition until they get injured in an accident, and their accident case goes into litigation. Many don’t know what’s going to happen, what questions are going to be asked, and even if a judge is going to be there. With a combined total of 50+ years of experience, the Las Vegas car accident attorneys at D.R. Patti & Associates know that preparing the client for a deposition includes explaining the process, answering the client’s questions, and letting them know there is nothing to be scared about. This blog demystifies the deposition in a Las Vegas personal injury case.
We’ve seen them. Trial in movies or tv shows where one of the parties produces a surprise witness or evidence. Such surprises make for an exciting movie or tv show but is not realistic. In real life trials, surprises are disfavored. Any new evidence not previously disclosed to other parties will likely be excluded. In litigation, discovery is the process during which the parties disclose the evidence they intend to use at trial. Learn more how discovery works.
Clients may feel scared about telling their attorneys about things that they may not be proud of. Or a client may feel that a small bit of information is unimportant to the attorney. However, successful representation of clients, even in car accident cases, may depend on the client’s attorney knowing that information. Like good attorneys, the experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorneys at D.R. Patti & Associates know how to encourage clients to disclose information, regardless of how embarrassing. We let our clients know that, except in exceptional circumstances, the law protects communications between clients and attorneys.
When a case goes into litigation, a client usually asks how long does it take. This brief article provides a brief overview of the Las Vegas personal injury lawsuits.
You Need Experienced Las Vegas Personal Injury Trial Attorneys Call For A Free Consultation You Need Experienced Las Vegas Personal Injury Trial Attorneys It is no big secret in the big little city of Las Vegas that personal injury victims have a lot of choices of attorneys. One cannot drive down the I-15, Charleston Blvd., …
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